G77 Established: | 15 June 1964. |
G77 countries Members: | 134 Members. |
G77 Founded at: | Geneva, Switzerland. |
G77 Headquarters: | United Nations Headquarters. |
Organization Type: | International Organization. |
G77 Area: | International. |
The G77 is the group of developing countries at the United Nations to promote its member’s economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations. Initially, this group had 77 members that’s why the name of this group is G77.
The G77 was founded on 15th June 1964 by the 77 non-aligned and developing countries to promote its member’s economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.
Currently, the G77 has 134 members. Most of the United Nations members are the members of G77 except -
The members of the Council of Europe are not members of G77 except Azerbaijan.
The members of the Commonwealth of independent states free trade area are not the members of G77, except Tajikistan.
The members of the OECD are not the members of G77 except for Costa Rica, Chile, and Colombia.
One pacific state Tuvalu is also not a member of G77.
Few countries have withdrawn their membership from the G77. The former members of G77 are New Zealand, Mexico, South Korea, Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Malta, Palau, and Romania.
The main aim of the G77 is to promote its member’s economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.
The G77 was founded in Geneva, Switzerland but the G77 works from the United Nations headquarters.
India is a leading developing country in the world and has been an active member of G77 since it was created.