Letter Series: Exercise-4


Questions and Answers Type:MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).
Main Topic:Verbal Reasoning.
Verbal Reasoning Sub-topic:Letter Series Questions and Answers.
Number of Questions:10 Questions with Solutions.

Directions: What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following alpha-Numeric series.

  1. 2A, 4C, 6E, 8G, ?

    1. 10H
    2. 10I
    3. 9H
    4. 9J

Answer: (b) 10I

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. 3C, 5E, 7G, 9I, ?

    1. 10J
    2. 10K
    3. 11J
    4. 11K

Answer: (d) 11K

Solution: Here, every letter is given with its alphabetical position and at the same time, one letter is skipped between each term.

  1. AB1CD, EF3GH, IJ5KL, ?

    1. MN6OP
    2. MN7OP
    3. OP6MN
    4. OP7MN

Answer: (b) MN7OP

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. C9, D16, E25, F36, ?

    1. G49
    2. G64
    3. H49
    4. H64

Answer: (a) G49

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. 25Y, 16P, 9I, 4D, ?

    1. 3C
    2. 2B
    3. 1A
    4. 2A

Answer: (c) 1A

Solution: Here, every letter is given with its alphabetical position's square.

  1. C9, E7, G5, I3, ?

    1. J2
    2. J1
    3. K1
    4. K2

Answer: (c) K1

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. 26Z, 24X, 22V, 20T, ?

    1. 18R
    2. 18Q
    3. 16R
    4. 16Q

Answer: (a) 18R

Solution: Here, every letter is given with its alphabetical position and at the same time, two letters are skipped between each term.

  1. 2A, 3C, 4B, 5D, ?

    1. 6E
    2. 6C
    3. 7E
    4. 7F

Answer: (b) 6C

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. M2, K4, I6, G8, ?

    1. F9
    2. F10
    3. E9
    4. E10

Answer: (d) E10

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. E4, F5, I8, N13, ?

    1. R18
    2. S18
    3. T20
    4. U20

Answer: (d) U20

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.