Letter Series: Exercise-2


Questions and Answers Type:MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).
Main Topic:Verbal Reasoning.
Verbal Reasoning Sub-topic:Letter Series Questions and Answers.
Number of Questions:10 Questions with Solutions.

Directions: What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following alphabet series.

  1. DF, GJ, KM, NQ, RT ?

    1. UW
    2. UX
    3. XZ
    4. YZ

Answer: (b) UX

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. PBA, QDC, RFE, ?

    1. ULK
    2. OAB
    3. TJI
    4. SHG

Answer: (d) SHG

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. A1, C3, F6, J10, O15, ?

    1. U20
    2. U21
    3. T20
    4. V21

Answer: (b) U21

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. C5, D6, E7, F8, ?

    1. G8
    2. G9
    3. H9
    4. H8

Answer: (b) G9

Solution: Follow the sequence given below.

  1. G, I, L, P, ?

    1. Q
    2. S
    3. T
    4. U

Answer: (d) U

Solution: Follow the sequence given below. $$ G \overset{+2}{\longrightarrow}\ I \overset{+3}{\longrightarrow}\ L \overset{+4}{\longrightarrow}\ P \overset{+5}{\longrightarrow}\ \boxed{U} $$

Directions: What should come in place of the blank space (_) in the following alphabet series.

  1. c_aa_ccbaab_c_a

    1. bbcb
    2. bbac
    3. abcb
    4. cabc

Answer: (a) bbcb

Solution: The correct series pattern will be $$ c\underline{b}aa\underline{b}ccbaab\underline{c}c\underline{b}a $$

  1. a_a_abab_ba_

    1. abab
    2. bbab
    3. abba
    4. baab

Answer: (b) bbab

Solution: The correct series pattern will be $$ a\underline{b}a\underline{b}abab\underline{a}ba\underline{b} $$

  1. c_bba_cab_ac_ab_ac

    1. accbc
    2. bcbac
    3. acbcb
    4. cabcb

Answer: (c) acbcb

Solution: The correct series pattern will be $$ c\underline{a}bba\underline{c}cab\underline{b}ac\underline{c}ab\underline{b}ac $$

  1. abc_a_cd_b_da_cd

    1. dbacb
    2. acbdb
    3. bcabd
    4. bdabc

Answer: (a) dbacb

Solution: The correct series pattern will be $$ abc\underline{d}a\underline{b}cd\underline{a}b\underline{c}da\underline{b}cd $$

  1. adb_ac_da_cddcb_dbc_cbda

    1. bccba
    2. ccbba
    3. bbcad
    4. cbbaa

Answer: (d) cbbaa

Solution: The correct series pattern will be $$ adb\underline{c}ac\underline{b}da\underline{b}cddcb\underline{a}dbc\underline{a}cbda $$