Analogy: Exercise-8


Questions and Answers Type:MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).
Main Topic:Verbal Reasoning.
Verbal Reasoning Sub-topic:Analogy Questions and Answers.
Number of Questions:10 Questions with Solutions.

Directions (1-10): Find the relationship between the first two words and choose the missing word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship, as the first two bear.

  1. Mountain : Hill :: River : ?

    1. Canal
    2. Avalanche
    3. Stream
    4. Glacier

Answer: (c) Stream

Solution: The first is bigger than the second.

  1. New York : USA :: Macao : ?

    1. India
    2. Russia
    3. Japan
    4. China

Answer: (d) China

Solution: As New York is a city of the USA, similarly Macao is a city of China.

  1. Beagle : Dog :: Nilgai : ?

    1. Cat
    2. Deer
    3. Beer
    4. Snake

Answer: (b) Deer

Solution: First, is the breed of the second.

  1. Refrigerator : Cold :: Oven : ?

    1. Hot
    2. Wet
    3. Cold
    4. Ice

Answer: (a) Hot

Solution: As Refrigerator keeps items cold, similarly an oven keeps items hot.

  1. Angry : Furious :: Irked : ?

    1. Happy
    2. Wrathful
    3. Joyful
    4. Cheerful

Answer: (b) Wrathful

Solution: All are synonyms.

  1. Tennis : Court :: Drama : ?

    1. Pitch
    2. Field
    3. Ground
    4. Stage

Answer: (d) Stage

Solution: As Tennis is played on the court, similarly a drama is performed on stage.

  1. Coast : Sea :: Bank : ?

    1. River
    2. Glacier
    3. Stream
    4. Canal

Answer: (a) River

Solution: As the coast is the land beside the sea, similarly bank is the land beside the River.

  1. Mosquito : Dengue :: Lice : ?

    1. Zika
    2. Plague
    3. Typhus
    4. Lyme disease

Answer: (c) Typhus

Solution: Second is the disease spread by the first.

  1. River : Water :: Glacier : ?

    1. Ice
    2. Gas
    3. Fire
    4. Water

Answer: (a) Ice

Solution: As River consists of water, similarly Glacier consists of Ice.

  1. New Delhi : Chandigarh : Puducherry : ?

    1. Bihar
    2. Ladakh
    3. Manipur
    4. Panjab

Answer: (b) Ladakh

Solution: All are union territories of India.