Coding and Decoding: Exercise-2

Directions (1-5): In each of these questions, a group of letters, numbers, and symbols is given. Letters are to be coded as per the conditions given below. Find out the serial number of the given combination of letters.


3 # 6 * $ 9 % 1 7 @ 6 2 © 4 5

Conditions: (a) If the first letter is consonant and the last letter is a vowel, both will be coded as the code for the consonant.

(b) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is consonant, both will be coded as the code for the vowel.

(c) If both the first and last letters are consonants, both will be coded as #.

(d) If both the first and last letters are vowels, both will be coded as %.

  1. The letters A W T M S O will be coded as?

    1. 3 $ 1 * 5 %
    2. % $ 1 * 5 4
    3. % $ 1 * 5 %
    4. # $ ! * 5 %

Answer: (c) % $ 1 * 5 %

Solution: Follow the condition (d) of the question.

  1. The letters L A J C O H will be coded as?

    1. # 3 % 6 4 9
    2. 6 3 % 6 4 #
    3. % 3 % 6 4 %
    4. # 3 % 6 4 #

Answer: (d) # 3 % 6 4 #

Solution: Follow the condition (c) of the question.

  1. The letters M D X W Z A will be coded as?

    1. * # 7 $ @ *
    2. # # 7 $ @ #
    3. * # 7 $ @ 3
    4. % # 7 $ @ *

Answer: (a) * # 7 $ @ *

Solution: Follow the condition (a) of the question.

  1. The letters O T L M J S will be coded as?

    1. 4 1 6 * % 5
    2. 4 1 6 * % 4
    3. 4 1 6 * % %
    4. # 1 6 * % #

Answer: (b) 4 1 6 * % 4

Solution: Follow the condition (b) of the question.

  1. The letters W C S D F X will be coded as?

    1. % 6 5 # 2 #
    2. % 6 5 # 2 %
    3. # 6 5 # 2 #
    4. # 6 5 # 2 %

Answer: (c) # 6 5 # 2 #

Solution: Follow the condition (c) of the question.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

In a certain code, 'buy a book from' is written as 'gk li nt ra'

'take a fan book' is written as 'tr li sl nt'

'please take this book' is written as 'cw tr ax nt'

'from a store of' is written as 'ra li kd bl'

  1. What is the code for 'from' in the given code language?

    1. ra
    2. nt
    3. li
    4. tr

Answer: (a) ra

Solution: In the first and fourth statements, the common words are 'from' and 'a' and common codewords are 'li' and 'ra' but from the second statement, it is clear that the word 'a' stands for the code word 'li'. Hence, the word 'from' stands for the code word 'ra'.

  1. What may be the possible code for 'buy fan book' in the given code language?

    1. li sl ra
    2. ra nt gk
    3. gk sl nt
    4. nt sl ra

Answer: (c) gk sl nt

Solution: From the previous question the word 'book' stands for the code word 'nt' and from the statement first it is clear that the word 'buy' stands for the code word 'gk', and from the statements second and third, the word 'fan' stands for the code word 'sl'. Hence, the statement 'buy fan book' stands for the code word 'gk sl nt'.

  1. What is the code for 'take' in the given code language?

    1. li
    2. nt
    3. gk
    4. tr

Answer: (d) tr

Solution: In the statements second and third the common words are 'take' and 'book', and common codewords are 'tr' and 'nt' but from the previous question it is clear that the word 'book' stands for the code word 'nt', so the word 'take' stands for the code word 'tr'.

  1. What is the code for 'book' in the given code language?

    1. nt
    2. tr
    3. sl
    4. gk

Answer: (a) nt

Solution: In the first, second, and third statements, the common word 'book' stands for the common codeword 'nt'.

  1. What is the code for 'please' in the given code language?

    1. nt
    2. li
    3. gk
    4. can't say

Answer: (d) can't say

Solution: In the third statement, it is not clear which codeword stands for the word 'please'.