Support NaRvi Academy

We believe education should be free for all and We are working hard for you to provide the best study material free and easy to access for all, you can make it easy for us to create more educational resources. Contributions will be appreciated, you can support us by using PayPal and Unified Payments Interface (UPI) in India, details are given below.

Support us by UPI

Contribute through UPI and help us to create more useful educational resources for you. Scan the QR code given below from any payment app (Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pay, etc.) or use the UPI ID to contribute.

QR code UPI


UPI ID: mkk1992@paytm

Sopport us by PayPal

Contribute through PayPal and help us to create more useful educational resources for you. Click on the support button to visit our PayPal page.

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